PDO Hilos Miami: un lavado de cara no quirúrgico

PDO Thread facelifts are now possible in Miami at our local clinic. A PDO Thread Lift may be just what the doctor ordered for your skin to feel supple and rejuvenated. We always stay competitive, so the costs of this procedure will be excellent at our clinic. It’s also an option with long-term effects, so once you complete all your sessions of PDO thread facelifts in Miami, you won’t have to come back for quite some time.

Todo nuestro personal que realiza cualquier tipo de procedimiento de embellecimiento y cuidado de la piel ya está completamente capacitado para ofrecer esta opción de estiramiento facial no quirúrgico. Con mucho gusto le mostrarán fotografías de antes y después del levantamiento de hilos PDO para que pueda ver lo que puede esperar con su propio régimen de tratamiento.

¿Cómo funciona PDO Hilos Miami?

Polydioxanone (PDO) threads are a material that is biocompatible to the human body. That means that they are safe to use with the skin and over time they are also safely absorbed by the body. They are, in essence, sutures to lift and tighten skin that has become a bit sagging. When it comes to low-cost non-surgical facelifts in Miami, this can be a great option that can save you some money.

The threads come in different types of formats that are basically anchored to the skin. Some forms are barbs or cogs and have different applications and outcomes. As each thread is inserted, it actually ends up lifting the skin up and tightening it at the same time. This also leads to the body’s natural healing ability being activated and stimulating the production of collagen. This collagen also helps to tighten the skin and make it even firmer.

¿Cuáles son los beneficios de un lifting de hilos PDO en Miami?

Besides being a minimally invasive procedure, it can also do wonders for sagging skin. It’s best used in areas such as the face and neck, jowls, and even arms, as they can be the most affected by skin that starts to sag. PDO threading under eyes is also possible, which can help to eliminate those aging features and bring a youthful look back to that area.

In addition, the PDO threads results are immediate, meaning there is no need to wait so long for actual results, such as waiting a few months to see any changes. At the same time, while the cost of our PDO thread facelifts at our Miami clinic can appear high, they also can last up to two years when done by professionals such as ourselves.

Our PDO threads in Miami are completely safe and effective, and we ensure to minimize any possible side effects arising from this procedure. Don’t forget about the elastin and collagen production that also comes with this treatment. You can stop searching for the “PDO threads cost near me” as we are here to offer you a reasonable cost for a miraculous procedure.

¿Cuáles son los tipos de hilos PDO?

As briefly mentioned above, there are different types of PDO threads available. We’ll look at some of the more common choices and what kinds of characteristics they also have. 

Mono threads are the smoothest option that focuses more on collagen production stimulation than skin tightening. Cog threads are the more common option when looking to have that anchoring effect on the skin that will help with collagen production and tighten the sagging skin by lifting it. There’s also an option known as screw threads that have a unique shape which is meant to help add volume to the skin. 

The professionals at our clinic in Miami offer low-cost non-surgical facelifts. We will only work with the best option for you, focusing on lifting the skin that has started to sag.

¿Cuáles son los efectos secundarios de los hilos PDO?

Firstly remember that everything from the quality of the product to the procedure itself is done to help minimize and reduce the chance of any of these side effects. But everyone is different and there’s still a chance they can crop up. 

The more common side effects to expect are going to be a tender redness or swelling. At the same time, bruising is also possible, depending on how sensitive one is to getting bruises. There’s also the possibility of slight pain and even infection happening in the targeted area. However, the infection can be remedied with antibiotics and the other side effects will pass within a few days to a couple of weeks. 

There’s also the possibility of the thread migrating away from the targeted area. If it appears that’s starting to happen then make sure to schedule an appointment with us immediately. We can take the proper measures to tend to this and have you on the right track again.

El tiempo total de recuperación de los subprocesos PDO es de aproximadamente dos semanas. Sin embargo, muchos pueden empezar a reanudar sus actividades normales en un plazo de 24 a 72 horas. No se necesitan incisiones ni puntos, y la recuperación es para que los hilos de PDO sean completamente absorbidos por el cuerpo.

¿El tratamiento con hilo PDO es adecuado para usted?

PDO thread facelifts at our Miami clinic will show immediate results and only after one treatment. Pricing can vary depending on how many sessions you will need and you want to consider this as an investment in your body and overall appearance. It’s also an excellent option for those looking for a low-cost non-surgical facelift in the Miami area, as it’s effective in rejuvenating skin and stimulating healing and collagen production. 

Ofrecerán una apariencia y sensación más naturales en comparación con un estiramiento facial tradicional con un tiempo de recuperación mucho más rápido y menos posibilidades de efectos secundarios. 

It’s always important to reach out to one of our expert beauticians who can help analyze your skin and offer up the right type of products and treatments that will have the most positive effect on you which can be PDO threads. 

We are always using the latest techniques in the industry so you know when you come to us we’ll be using the best options and PDO thread choices that make sense for you specifically. With our catered approach you can eliminate that skin sagging in no time.


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Dr. Rafael Antun

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