Breast Revision Surgery
When you underwent your breast augmentation procedure, you probably did not think that you would require an additional surgery on your breasts. Women do not always realize that breast implants are not designed to last for a lifetime. Because of this fact, a second surgery is very likely at a certain point in the lifetime of a patient. HD Esthetique performs breast revision surgeries in the Miami area.
Reasons for Breast Revision Surgery
In addition to implant rupture or deflation, may be recommended when a woman is displeased with something about the appearance or the feel of their breasts. Many women wish that they had selected a larger size for their breasts, leading them to desire breast revision surgery.
About 37 percent of women undergoing will do so because they are selecting a larger size implant, according to the FDA.
Another common reason that women request is known as capsular contracture involving scar tissue. Other women would like to switch from saline to silicone breast implants, or simply want a more natural and softer feel.
Other reasons that women undergo breast revision surgery include undesirable breast changes following weight gain, pregnancy or the aging process. Some women desire this type of surgery because they are displeased with the results of a prior surgery.
Another reason for may be positioning problems due to breast implants that are too close to each other or too far apart, leading to a misshapen or unnatural contour. Some women are unhappy with their breasts due to the shifting of implants within the breast pocket, leading to an unusual appearance.
Breast Revision Challenges
It is always more difficult to perform a secondary surgery than it is for the first one. One of the reasons is that scar tissue leads to uncertain outcomes. Also, the surgeon must contend with tissue stretching or certain changes in the anatomy due to prior implants.
Another potential problem is that a woman seeking breast revision may be more fearful and disillusioned than a woman seeking a primary breast augmentation. If you would like more information about breast revision challenges from our Miami surgeon, make an appointment with us today.
Good Candidates
Wondering if you are a good candidate for this procedure and live near Miami? Breast revision surgeries are very appropriate for anyone who desires to modify or correct the results of a prior breast procedure. You may consider the surgery if you are unhappy with the results of a previous procedure and are looking for a better outcome.
The best way to determine if you would make a good candidate for a breast revision procedure is to schedule a consultation in Miami with Dr. Antún. At this time, he will receive your medical history and examine you to determine if breast revision surgery is right for you. If so, he will carefully formulate an individualized plan to deal with the issues that you are having.
Breast Revision Recovery
The way in which you will recover, and the length of time required, will vary from individual to individual. The downtime that you require may be a bit longer than it was for your initial breast augmentation procedure because of the complexity of the procedure.
It is normal to experience some swelling, bruising and discomfort, which can be handled using medication. Dr. Antún has an excellent aftercare recovery program for those who undergo breast revision surgery in our Miami clinic. His goal is ensuring that you are completely informed about all of the post-procedure care that you will require. It is important to carefully go over and fulfill these detailed requirements so that you heal properly and recover quickly.
Most breast revision patients require a minimum of one week in recovery. You will likely be able to resume normal activities within two weeks of your procedure. Avoid vigorous physical activity for up to six weeks after your breast revision.
You will need to schedule some follow up appointments with Dr. Antún and his team so that he can check on your progress and monitor your healing and recovery.
Your Consultation
If you are unhappy with your breasts due to a previous procedure, please contact the office of Dr. Antún in Miami to schedule a breast revision surgery consultation for yourself and improve the quality of your life.