New York Biopolymer and Silicone Injection Removal

As silicone injection removal professionals in New York, we have had many clients come to our clinic because they have suffered from the negative impact of  botched injections. 

Dangers of Silicone Injections

Silicone, biopolymer, and butt injections can lead to a variety of health risks, even death and destroy your natural beauty. While many people get these injections to enhance the appearance of different areas of their body, silicone injections can actually have the opposite effect of what the patient wants. Silicone injections can often introduce dangerous foreign substances to the inside of the body. Some of these injections include baby oil, petroleum-based substances, and even cement. Since these chemicals do not belong in the body, they can cause serious health problems, ranging from rashes and skin hardening, to necrosis and acute pain. 

Silicone Injection Removal

Our silicone injection removal doctors in New York are experts in extracting biopolymers using minimally invasive surgical procedures . At our clinic, not only will we be able to safely remove the injections, but we’ll also help you to achieve your cosmetic goals. In order to rid the body of harmful substances, HD Esthetique uses Cool Laser technology. Rather than using traditional surgical procedures, this allows us to liquify injected substances and vacuum them directly out of the body. An advantage to using this quick and efficient method of injection removal is that it results in a minimum scarring, so that your appearance will not undergo any additional damage. 

Schedule Your Consultation

If you have been experiencing any health issues as a result of silicone injections, schedule a consultation at our New York injection removal clinic. We have over 15 years of expertise in removing silicone, biopolymer, and butt injections in a way that restores health and beauty. We care about each patient individually and work carefully to ensure that you can reach your optimal level of beauty without bringing harm to your body. Call us today about silicone injection removal in New York City and let us know how we can help you. 

Frequently Asked Questions about Biopolymer Removal in New York

Here are some frequently asked questions our patients often ask about biopolymer removal in New York:
Procedure time may vary depending on the individual case. In general, biopolymer removal is usually a quick procedure that can be completed within a few hours.
Recovery may vary from patient to patient. On average, a recovery period of approximately two weeks is recommended. During this time, it is important to follow medical instructions and avoid strenuous activities.
Like any surgical procedure, there are certain risks associated with biopolymer removal. However, at Hd Esthetique, we strive to minimize these risks and ensure the safety of our patients.

The final results of biopolymer removal may vary, but can usually be seen after the initial recovery period has passed. Results will continue to improve over time as the body fully recovers.

The cost of biopolymer removal may vary depending on the individual case. We recommend that you contact our team to schedule a consultation and obtain more precise information about the costs involved.
During the procedure, local anesthesia is used to minimize any discomfort or pain. However, you may feel some discomfort after the procedure, which can be controlled with medication prescribed by our specialists.
Biopolymer removal in New York is a procedure that can improve your quality of life and reduce the risks associated with previously injected biopolymers. At Hd Esthetique, we have a team of highly qualified cosmetic surgeons and advanced technology to ensure satisfactory results and a safe experience for our patients.

If you are considering undergoing biopolymer removal, we invite you to schedule a consultation with our team. We will be happy to answer all your questions and help you make the best decision for you.

Don’t wait any longer and take the first step towards improved appearance and well-being!

Contact us today to learn more about biopolymer removal in New York at Hd Esthetique.


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Meet the Doctor

Dr. Rafael Antun